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Giving Day FAQs

What is Giving Day?

Giving Day is a university-wide day of giving. Alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends will be able to give to several different areas within the institution on May 9, 2024.


What do I do as an ambassador?

Our social media ambassadors will help amplify the UL Lafayette Giving Day message through your social media accounts and interactions with family and friends. We want our ambassadors to spread the word leading up to Giving Day, follow UL Lafayette on our social media accounts, promote Giving Day to your audiences using the toolkit and participate in the day through social media posts and/or making a gift.


Where should I post? 

You can choose where you want to post. If you want to post on all your accounts, great! If you want to be more targeted and post where you have the largest audience, that works, too!


What should I post? 

If you’re not sure what to post, our toolkit can help! The toolkit features graphics and sample messages and videos to help inspire you. Are you feeling creative? Share photos of your time at UL Lafayette to help make it personal. Remember to use the hashtags!


How often should I post?

The key is to post messages promoting Giving Day before the day arrives and throughout the day of the event. We recommend posting at least one to three times leading up to the day.


Who can I contact if I have more questions?

If you have any questions about Giving Day, please contact Kate Durio, senior director of strategic initiatives for the Office of Development, at